Young people in Lithuania are changing their minds: 3 out of 5 schoolchildren and students see the energy sector as a promising and attractive field

8 August 2023

The number of Lithuanian schoolchildren and students who see the energy sector as promising in terms of career opportunities is growing. 60% of students and 58% of schoolchildren who were surveyed believe that the energy sector could be an attractive career option in the future. Since last year, the perception of the former group has improved by 4 pp, and the latter group by 8 pp. This was shown in a survey conducted by KOG Institute for Marketing and Communication Sciences at the initiative of Ignitis Group, a renewables-focused integrated utility.

Generally, almost three quarters (72%) of Lithuanian residents who participated in the survey believe that the energy sector is promising career-wise. This is a 5 pp improvement compared to last year. 

Compared to last year’s data, the number of students who believe that the energy sector is promising and is growing rapidly has also grown. Last year 52% of the respondents believed this, while this year this number has increased to 64%. 60% of the schoolchildren are also of the same opinion, which is a 3 pp increase compared to last year. 

According to Giedrė Žlibinienė, Head of #EnergySmartSTART Programme, a programme that unifies various initiatives in the energy sector, this trend is a good sign because, currently, there is a serious shortage of energy specialists. Considering the importance of the sector and its role in green transition, increasing its appeal to young people is one of the objectives of energy companies. 

“In an effort to combat climate change and develop green energy solutions, the demand for energy specialists during the next decade will increase significantly, maybe even ten times. It must be noted that today's energy sector goes hand-in-hand with innovations and environmental protection,” says G. Žlibinienė. 

Students and anyone who is thinking about choosing a professional career in this field or who wants to know more about Lithuania's energy sector can do so with the help of the #EnergySmartSTART programme. The programme’s goals are to engage people and involve them in the creation of the energy sector, encourage them to be energy smart and popularise the fields of study strategically important to the energy sector.  

The programme involves several initiatives, including educational trips for students to energy facilities, lectures at Lithuanian schools, etc. In 2022 energy companies allocated EUR 246,000 to Lithuanian higher education institutions as grants. In 2023 Ignitis Group signed agreements with nine higher education institutions in Lithuania that have electricity and energy engineering curriculum, granting almost EUR 300,000 over the 2023–2024 school year. 

The survey on Lithuanian residents’ view on the energy sector was conducted in April by KOG Institute for Marketing and Communication Sciences at the initiative of Ignitis Group. The survey had a representative sample of 1,000 participants between 16 and 64 years old, including 210 schoolchildren from grades 9 to 12 and 256 university students.