Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption Policy is the document of the prevention of the corruption of the corporate group. All existing and newly employed employees must be introduced to the Anti-Corruption Policy and comply with its requirements. It applies to contractors, suppliers, consultants, other partners and interested parties.

Systematic monitoring of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Policy as well as the introduced anti-corruption measures is carried out in the Ignitis Group by collecting information, measuring and analysing processes as well as the introduced measures for the management of corruption risks in order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the Group's anti-corruption management system or/and its individual elements. The results of regular monitoring are not made public.

Ignitis Group conducts education of the employees on corruption awareness: it encourages employees to be aware of the damage caused by corruption, to recognise its forms and not to be indifferent. 98% of the nearly 4,000 employees of the corporate group completed online training on anti-corruption in 2018; each of them gave approximately 1.5 hours of their time to the training.

Anti-Corruption Policy