Ignitis Renewables Polska sp. z o. o.

Ignitis Renewables Polska sp. z o. o.

Company code: 0000871214
VAT identification number: 5252844467
Head office: Puławska St. 2B, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland
Correspondence address: Puławska st. 2, Building A, 02-566 Warsaw
Establishment date and register: 19 October 2020, Polish Register of Legal Entities
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: https://ignitisrenewables.com

UAB "Ignitis renewables" – 100 %

Share capital:
37,500 PLN

Articles of association


Ignitis Group companies seek to develop responsible and sustainable business culture. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in 2022 in the Sustainability Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Key financial indicators 2022 (EUR million) (unaudited):
Revenue: 0.2
Expenses: (1.2)
Adjusted EBITDA: (0.19)
Net profit: (0.3)
Investments: -
Assets: 34.1
Equity: 33.8
Liabilities: 0.3

Number of employees:
10 (as of 31 December 2022)


Investuotojų blokelis
Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

Ignitis Renewables Polska sp. z o. o. is part of Ignitis group companies. Therefore in its activities follows the general strategy of the Group


Our vision, mission and values
Our purpose and values
Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

Ignitis Group's purpose is to create a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for current and future generations.

Our values unite, motivate and inspire us: responsibility, partnership, openness and growth.

We are a diverse team of energy smart people united by a common purpose to create a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for current and future generations.

Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

Ignitis Group is committed to acting in a responsible and harmonious manner, thus it does not tolerate any form of corruption in its daily activities, and advocates fair business and transparent communication with all interested parties.

Prenvention of corruption

Maciej Kowalski
President of the Management Board (CEO)
Jacek Wojerz
Jacek Wojerz
Member of the Board