
74.99% of Ignitis Group shares are owned by the Ministry of Finance implementing the rights of the Republic of Lithuania. The remaining 25.01% of shares are owned by minor investors.

A shareholder letter of expectations obliges Ignitis Group to sustainable and socially responsible development by further developing a modern, international, competitive Group. The shareholder expects for a consistent and purposeful growth of the Group by modernizing the energy infrastructure and developing new energy competencies.

In keeping with the guidelines set out in the shareholder letter of expectations, Ignitis Group seeks in its operations:

  • To ensure a reliable and flexible Lithuanian energy system and its development, by contributing to the implementation of changes in the energy sector in Lithuania and in the region.
  • To expand green generation by contributing to Lithuania's and regional commitments to increase electricity generation from renewable energy sources. 
  • To develop innovative solutions and to actively seek new opportunities for profitable development of activities. 
  • To ensure sustainable development of the activities of the Group.


Shareholder letter of expectations   Ministry of Finance   Ignitis Group's Strategy